Economic Prosperity. We must defend our free markets while ensuring the American Dream is still in reach for our citizens. We will fight regulations and tax increases that pick winners and losers and cut red tape holding back job creating American businesses.
Energy Security
We must fight the costly and radical “green new deal” and ensure Americans are not subject to costly and unrealistic mandates in pursuit of a political agenda. America must reduce its dependence on foreign sources of energy, and encourage the expansion of domestic energy production.
National Security
A strong America is a safe America. We must address growing geopolitical threats from a position of strength, continue to support our men and women in uniform, and rapidly improve cybersecurity protections on core infrastructure assets.
Technology and Innovation
We must continue to oppose efforts to re-implement heavy handed net neutrality rules, ensure the internet is a safe haven for free and open discourse, and address the rise of AI in a responsible way, encouraging its benefits while safeguarding America’s national security and our citizens economic security.